Finance and audit

Here you will find the most recent information about the Council’s finances, including budgets and summary of annual accounts, as well as audit reports and registers.

Information for previous financial year is in the Financial  archive section.

Policies and procedures governing financial management and control are set out in the Parish Council’s Standing Orders and Financial Regulations which can be found in the Governance section.

Financial Year 2020-21

Q1 Statement

Q2 Statement

Q3 Statement

Q4 Statement

Certificate of Exemption 20-21

Internal Audit Report 20-21

Annual Governance Statement 20-21

Accounting Statement 20-21

Explanation of Variances 20-21

Bank Reconciliation 20-21

Notice of Public Rights 20-21

Financial Year 2021-22

Q1 Statement

Q2 Statement

Q3 Statement

Q4 Statement

Certificate of Exemption 21-22

Internal Audit Report 21-22

Annual Governance Statement 21-22

Accounting Statement 21-22

Explanation of Variances 21-22

Bank Reconciliation 21-22

Notice of Public Rights 21-22

Financial Year 2022-23

Full Year Accounts

Certificate of Exemption 22-23

Internal Audit Report 22-23

Annual Governance Statement 22-23

Accounting Statement 22-23

Explanation of Variances 22-23

Bank Reconciliation 22-23

Notice of Public Rights 22-23

Financial Year 2023-24

Full Year Accounts

Certificate of Exemption 23-24

Internal Audit Report 23-24

Internal Audit Observations 23-24

Annual Governance Statement 23-24

Accounting Statement 23-24

Explanation of Variances 23-24

Bank Reconciliation 23-24

Notice of Public Rights 23-24